Making the most out of little encounters (2022)
video, wall text, graphite on paper, domestic objects, wall putty, vinyl stickers
Making the most out of little encounters revolves around the small gesture of pinching. A pinch can mean so many things, a pinch to show love, a pinch to remind, a pinch to remove, or a pinch to take; and in this case, a pinch symbolises a self-inflicted act of attentivity, a nudge to be picked up upon and be heard, a pinch thus denotes to the notion of ‘taking’ something small or rather rediscovering small stories reflected on my family’s ethnic stories and amplifying them.
Starting this project through an autobiographical approach- oral stories, traditions, and family histories are sifted and collated in uncovering my cultural mixedness growing up in a Eurasian household. Focusing on three gestures of pinching that were manifested as acts of shared bonding and togetherness; text, objects, and visuals are employed in the reconstruction of remembering, documentation of time, and collective memory. Reacting to these small discoveries and attempts at continuity, I present them in a playful manner that subtly highlights my association with my cultural identity in the present time, creating a space that underlines the representation of being in a micro-minority ethnic community within the context of Malaysia and Singapore.