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Across Narrow Waters (2022)

duo presentation alongside Anthony Chin for The Substation's SeptFest 2022, curated by John Tung

At the confluence of two territorial waters, that which passes through such a liminal line must necessarily be a bridge that spans the breadth between two foreshores separated and yet so curiously intertwined. Across Narrow Waters, curated by John Tung is comprised of a trio of artworks by Anthony Chin and Andrea Danker that concern themselves with the connections between Singapore and Malaysia. The works unveil evolving circumstances between the two countries and its impact on lives. Delving into the infrastructural, systemic, and inter-personal connections that perforate this border, the concise presentation makes apparent how each of them are far from distinct and underscore their relationships with each other. Yet beyond an examination of these connections alone, the artworks also intimate alternative means of evaluating distances both physical and immaterial. In providing a humane take on rationalizing these expanses of tangible, cognitive, and emotional spaces, the artists reiterate an enduring hope in being able to meet midway.


two skies in one sea, 2022

acrylic painting on canvas 

coming home 2021, 2022

site-specific adaptation of acrylic paintings made into weatherproof vinyl stickers

ANW Poster.jpeg
ANW Installation view.jpg
two skies in one sea.jpeg
two skies in one sea.jpeg
coming home.jpg
4.Express bus card.jpeg
5. Express bus card close-up.jpg
6.Passport page.jpg
ANW Entrance.jpg
4. Facing Malaysia.jpg
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