ephemera: The Winston Oh Travelogue Award (2022)
curated by Adeline Kueh
The 2022 edition of the Winston Oh Travelogue Award exhibition is based on a drawing field trip to a single destination in Sarawak, during which the artists were issued a brief that called for an expanded notion of drawing as praxis. As we slowly transitioned towards travelling again, the artists also looked into the historical relationship of Kuching and its vicinity as a travel destination for practitioners and researchers.
By examining the etymology of the Greek word ephēmeros that means lasting only for one day, this travel field trip reacquainted the artists to multisensorial experiences such as textures, scents, tastes and sounds however fleetingly. The ten graduating artists from the BA(Hons) and MA Fine Arts programmes as well as two staff from the McNally School of Fine Arts were invited to respond to this temporal component.
Andrea Danker
Dylan Chan
Harshita Agarwal
Isabella Teng
Joanne Lim
Kim Jihyun
Chen Min Suen
Shen Jiaqi
Xiao Peng
Lim Zeharn
Adeline Kueh
Hazel Lim
seven thousand one hundred and ninety-one minutes of being together, 2022
photographs and texts on synthetic paper
bittersweet honey, 2022
vinyl sticker on repurposed found frame, raffia strings

images courtesy of Jing Wei